Solar Sal Cruising

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NOTE: To see posts describing the first part of this voyage, starting from Bellingham, click on the menu bars at top right of the screen and select “The Journey”.

July 14

I thought the previous post was the last, but there are recently-arrived photos and a video that are too good not to share.

And to summarize:
Left Bellingham May 25, Arrived Juneau for the final time (after going to Glacier Bay) July 8
Distance traveled: 1216 nautical miles (1400 statute miles)

Wayward Sun and Glacier. Taken by Alex while out in dinghy

Alex on commercial boat in Glacier Bay

Sea Lion Island (Glacier Bay)

Kai about to take tram up mountain behind Juneau

Alex and Kai at the top

On beach at Juneau. The beach is all gold mine tailings where the old mining town of Douglas was built on pilings before it burned down in the 1940s.